Truth and Consequence: The Opening Showcase & Sangria Speakeasy


With Tanya Talaga and Canisia Lubrin. Moderated by Vinh Nguyen.

In a time where disinformation and misinformation are rampant and truth is no longer a singular, agreed fact, what do we consider to be true? Award-winning authors Tanya Talaga and Canisia Lubrin question the truths that have been told and reconcile the consequences of rewriting these truths in their latest works. Tanya Talaga’s latest nonfiction The Knowing retells the history of Canada through an Indigenous lens beginning with the life of her great-great-grandmother while Canisia Lubrin’s fictional debut Code Noir makes and unmakes the historical narratives of Black diasporic experiences. 

Join us as we kick off this year’s festival with two bright Canadian literary talents as they read from their latest works and discuss how looking at the past revealed present day truths and their consequences.

The Opening Showcase will also feature short readings from The New Quarterly Magazine’s annual writing contest winners. Following the moderated discussion, attendees are then invited to join our Sangria Speakeasy! Enjoy a glass of sangria following the show and mingle with fellow readers, writers, and visiting authors. Each ticket to the Opening Showcase includes a free beverage at the Sangria Speakeasy.

This event will be hosted in the CIGI Auditorium.

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