Novelist, teacher, activist and journalist, SUSAN SWAN‘s critically acclaimed fiction has been published in twenty countries. In 2019, Swan published her eighth book of fiction, The Dead Celebrities Club, described in the Globe and Mail as “a tale of greed, hubris and fraud…a financial fable worthy of the age.”  Swan’s novel, the international bestseller, The Wives of Bath, was made into the feature film Lost and Delirious and shown in 32 countries. Her 2004 novel What Casanova Told Me was a finalist for the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize. Her first novel, The Biggest Modern Woman of the World, about a Canadian giantess who exhibited with P.T. Barnum is currently being made into a television series. Swan was York University’s Robarts Scholar for Canadian Studies in 1999-2000. A past chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada, she brought in a new benefits deal for writers. She is a co-founder of The Carol Shields Prize for Fiction with editor Janice Zawerbny.

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