SUSAN SCOTT has an ear for the personal, the edgy, and the uncommonly sublime. Her latest book, Body & Soul, is an anthology of unorthodox approaches to the sacred that Sarah Selecky calls “a revelation.” A commitment to powerful, disruptive stories that inspire change led to joining Native Immigrant arts collective and to teaching in communities and classrooms from the West to the Great Lakes, New England, and the South. In her role as The New Quarterly’s lead nonfiction editor (2012-9), she championed neglected voices and attracted National Magazine Award-wins that went on to Best Canadian- and Best American Essays. When not writing in cafés or biking home with groceries, she’s consulting with artists, activists, and scholars for her next two books—one called Blood, Sand, Bread, and the other, an imperfect reckoning with land, language, family, and imperfect teaware.

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